
"For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation" (2 Corinthians 7:10).

Through the sacrifice of the Son of God, Christians have the ability to turn from and be forgiven of the sins which separate them from their Creator. Find out how and why it's necessary below.


The Season of Repentance

The first command given to the newly established Church was “Repent!” This is also the first command Christ issued when He began His ministry. What can we learn from this?
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Point of No Return

While it may be too late to change the immoral, evil, corrupt direction of the nation, it doesn’t mean it’s too late for you.

Do I Need God’s Holy Spirit?

Have you ever asked why do I need God's holy spirit. Can I not just do what he asks and be OK with that?
A person looking up into the night sky.

You Can Walk With God

Do you have a fulfilling “walk with God”? What does it really mean to walk with God the Father and Jesus Christ? Is something missing in your relationship with Them? Discover the vital biblical keys to a close, meaningful and...
An open Bible laying on a table.

Thoughts on the Book of Lamentations

Look at our country and all that we have been blessed with. Possibly the wealthiest nation that ever was, but most do not realize that our power and strength have not been by our own hands or our own righteousness.
Water bubbles.


To receive the greatest gifts of God, you must take a specific step—the commitment of water baptism.
A person reading a Bible by a lamp.

Our Window of Opportunity

Closer than ever to the end of this present evil age, we have an unusual window of opportunity to search out the hidden purpose of our existence, to find our way back to God.
A person reading a Bible.

The Good News of the Kingdom of God

The theme of Jesus Christ's gospel message was the good news of the Kingdom of God.
A clay oil lamp.

The Responsibility and Mission of the Church

Jesus Christ gave His Church a specific responsibility and mission to fulfill in His plan. What does that entail?
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A Call to Prayer

There are big problems in America right now. We can access a very big solution.