
"For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation" (2 Corinthians 7:10).

Through the sacrifice of the Son of God, Christians have the ability to turn from and be forgiven of the sins which separate them from their Creator. Find out how and why it's necessary below.


Are You Ready for the Time of the End?

We need to be a genuine Christian at all times.

Is Yours a Repentant Heart?

Where do you stand in your relationship with God and Jesus Christ?

Effective Repentance

This sermon video, given during the Education Travel Program’s biblical study tour of Greece, sets the scene and provides the perfect backdrop for gaining deeper understanding of repentance during the Spring Holy Days.

Grace and Reconciliation

How does sin distance us from God? How do we receive reconciliation from sin? What are we expected to do after reconciliation? What does God’s grace provide?

Men and Brethren, What Shall We Do?

Baptism is not only at the forefront of Christian history, it is at the forefront of the individual Christian experience. Baptism allows us to have a closer relationship with God. It is a requirement for salvation. Whether we are already…

Seven Attributes of a Child-Like Attitude

Christ says, in Matt. 18, "...Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." There is something about a little child we must become like. what are the attributes of…


We must repent. But what is repentance? Is it just sorrow? What is godly repentance? What must I do?
A woman sitting on a bench reading.

How Does the Bible Define A Christian?

Many who say they’re Christians don’t really follow the teachings of Jesus Christ presented in Scripture. How does your life align with what God’s Word instructs?
Media Production

Sinning in Ignorance

Repentance is a requirement for all sin, whether in moments of weakness or in ignorance. And God is ready and willing to forgive us when we do repent.
A sign that reads dead end

Habakkuk’s Dilemma

After years of preaching a strong message of repentance, the prophet Habakkuk became distressed since most people refused to heed His God-given words. Learn what God told him and discover how it applies to the Church and its people today.