
The Sabbath, the seventh day of the week, was set apart by God as a time of rest and spiritual rejuvenation.


His Wondrous 'Omni' Characteristics

Speaker: James J Malizia 4/11/20 Location: Orinda In this message presented by James J Malizia on April 11, 2020 it is discussed how we can find great solace and comfort in thinking on and praising our loving God in that…

Create and Rest, the Rhythm to Life

There is so much hustle and bustle today in life. It seems like there are so many things to do and just not enough time to get them done. But WHY do anything? What is our reason for getting out…

The Sabbath

We anticipate the Feast of Tabernacles all year long. When we come home from the Feast of Tabernacles, it can feel like a low point in the year. We have a weekly festival that we can rejoice and worship God…

Good News about Labor in the Bible

On this Labor Day weekend, the pastor provides proof that the Bible and its laws respect the worker or citizen more than any man-made code of laws. He reviews scriptures regarding the Sabbath, Jubilee year, marriage and service. Mr. Seiglie…

The Sabbath Day & Fellowship

Mr. Len Martin gives a sermon on the importance of fellowship on the Sabbath day

The Time is Now

Career work has an ending. We all look forward to the time we can relax and enjoy retirement, but is that all there is to life? God's work is both physical and spiritual. We need to combine both of these…

Passover - The First Annual Sign

In this message, the sign of the Passover is discussed in detail by considering its significance and in how and when it is to be observed. The Passover is symbolic as a memorial of Christ's life and death, a sacrifice…

These Are My Sabbaths

There is a big difference between going to church on Saturday and keeping holy the Sabbath Day.

The Sabbath Rest

The Sabbath completed God’s creation, and He made this day for our rest. Keeping the Sabbath is essential to our relationship with God. Christ’s example was to do God’s work on the Sabbath. Let’s look at what God says about…

Enter His Rest

God gave mankind the Sabbath day as a day of rest. It was set apart as holy time at the creation of this world. We must strive to enter His rest each and every Sabbath.