
Fulfill Your Joy

Does news of the Coronavirus and other such things tend to leave you feeling down? Do you feel there is no joy to be had in life? In this message we'll explore how joy and our physical circumstances do not…

A Hope for Us and All People

Speaker: James Malizia 9/30/19 In this message presented on the Feast of Trumpets, James Malizia facilitates a weaving of relevant to bring forth the critical importance of the day; a brief summary of the Resurrections of the dead (highlighting it…

Harvesting the Firstfruits

An analysis of the symbolism behind the firstfruits harvest of Israel; starting with the Wavesheaf Ceremony, completing seven weeks of harvest, and concluding with the Ceremony of Two Loaves.

What Happens After You Die?

There is much confusion in this world as to what happens to us after we die. Here is what is written about our future after death as written in our Holy Bibles. The truth written in scriptures may well surprise…


What is the fate of those who have not been chosen? What hope do these people have?

What Will Eternal Life Be Like?

Our only true source of information about the life to come is through what God has given us to know from scripture. Let's review what we are given to know...

The Sixth Sabbath

Jesus worked with His disciples admonishing, encouraging, teaching and preparing them for the next step in the Plan of Salvation, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the church. These things happened during the Feast of Weeks as they counted…

He is risen!!

How much have we given consideration to what happened 72 hours after our Lord and Master was placed in the grave? Christ promised that He would die AND be resurrected. The great promise that He was our Messiah was both…

Mercy for the Masses in 3D

Mercy for the Masses? Is such an ideal even plausible to contemplate? Billions have suffered and died in abject poverty, in unmitigated tragedy, in the clutches of disease. For them, death rather than life became a welcome destiny. Mercy for…

Lazarus Come Forth!

The raising of Lazarus from death to life confirms that Jesus is the Son of God. And in the same way that He brought Lazarus back to physical life, Jesus Christ is returning and will speak again into the graves…