
Understanding the Resurrections

Elder Andy McClain reviews the Hebrews 6:2 doctrine of “the resurrection of the dead,” to better understand aspects of the various resurrections to eternal life and to physical life of the just and the unjust.

What Happens After Death

Many people in this world are mislead when it comes to the topic of what happens after death. We know from God's Word that death isn't the end, and we also know that death is only temporary. While we are…

The Promise of the Resurrection

Teaching and proclaiming God’s promise of resurrection through Christ was [and still is] what set the Church of God apart from all other religious alternatives in the world. It is the great teaching and promise that launched the Church of…

The Truth of Universal Salvation

Will all mankind be "saved" in spite of themselves? God would have all men be saved - does this guarantee salvation for all men? What does God's Word say?

Universal Salvation

Listen to this sermon to learn why "Universal Salvation" is not based on biblical truth, and that salvation is a conditional gift.

What Did Christ Do in the 40 Days After the Resurrection?

After the resurrection, Christ appeared to His disciples and others several times during the next 40 days before His final ascension to heaven. What did He do? What was His mission? And how does it affect us, and how should…

Plan of God in a Fundamental Belief - Three Resurrections

There is much confusion about what happens after death. Does man go to heaven? What of all humanity?

The Meaning of the Eighth Day

What is the meaning of this High Day? It’s the day of hope for all mankind and the day of the Great White Throne Judgment. Those who were not called while alive will be raised in the second resurrection. This…

The Future of All Humanity

In this sermon Mr. Kevin Call shows from God's word the future of all humanity through 3 areas or events called the resurrections. God is a fair God that wants all humanity to be a part of His family. God…

The Resurrections

One of the basic doctrines mentioned in Hebrews 6 is the resurrection of the dead. The Bible says that there is a "first" resurrection, so there must be a second. Will there be yet another resurrection after the second?