

What does it mean to believe?
A group of friends on blanket in a park talking.

Is There Any Point in Sharing My Faith With My Non-Christian Friends and Family?

If they'll be in the second or general resurrection anyway, is there any point in sharing my faith with my non-Christian friends and family? Absolutely!

Eternal Judgments and Resurrections

One of the fundamental doctrines of the Bible, described in Hebrews 6, is Judgment. How is the Judgment of God administered for mankind?

Lazarus & the Rich Man

The story of Lazarus and the rich man is actually a story that fits squarely and comfortably within the resurrection sequence we find in Revelation 20:4-5 and multiple other places in scripture. Watch and listen to this message as we…

Resurrections and Eternal Judgement

This is a brief overview of the Fundamental of Beliefs account of the three Resurrections and Eternal Judgement.

The Basics

This sermon covers several of our basic beliefs, including who God is, the purpose for man, what our future will be, the Sabbath, and the first and second resurrections.

2, 3, 4--Two Deaths, Three Resurrections, Four Judgments Part 2

The last two basic doctrines of Hebrew s6 give a skeletal view of end-time events. Here in two parts is a fuller look at the biblical teaching on death, resurrection and judgment. Part 2 of 2.

2, 3, 4--Two Deaths, Three Resurrections, Four Judgments Part 1

The last two basic doctrines of Hebrews 6 give a skeletal view of end-time events. Here in two parts is a fuller look at the biblical teaching on death, resurrection and judgment.

Our Calling and the Feast of Trumpets

We have each received a wonderful and powerful calling from God. The Feast of Trumpets is an excellent time of the year to reflect on the requirements of our calling and how they relate to this festival.

Greiving With Hope

Suffering in grief is a part of this life. But sharing in the grief of one another with the hope we have is healing.