
The Message to the Seven Churches of Revelation

A review of Revelation 2-3 and its relevancy to the Church today.

Messages to the Seven Churches

Revelation 2 and 3 are messages to the Church of God. This sermon highlights the lessons of a 7-part series. Note: The PowerPoint presentation that accompanied this message is available by email request. Please send your request to

A Healthy Congregation - Part 1

It takes a lot of effort and focus to have a healthy congregation. We all bring something here and it can be either positive, or sometimes our past baggage. Let us discuss how we can have a healthy church, and…


The book of Revelation and the message to the 7 Churches teaches us seven basic attitudes that Christ wants for His Church to develop. Christ wrote a personal letter to each of the 7 Churches to give each Church spiritual…

Are You Listening to Christ?

Wouldn't it be great if Christ would come and evaluate His Church today? By looking through Revelation, we find that Christ did in fact give an evaluation that we can learn from today.