
His Wondrous 'Omni' Characteristics

Speaker: James J Malizia 4/11/20 Location: Orinda In this message presented by James J Malizia on April 11, 2020 it is discussed how we can find great solace and comfort in thinking on and praising our loving God in that…

What does it Mean to Fear God

Sermonette looking at the proper fear and reverence of God.

A Proper Fear of God

We read the phrase “Fear God” many times in the Bible, but in 2nd Timothy we are told that “God has not given us a spirit of fear”. How do we reconcile these two statements and what does it mean…

There is No Fear of God Before Their Eyes

There are foundational attributes true Christians must develop if God can work with us. Humility and attitudes of thanksgiving, repentance, and submission to Him are a few. In both the Old and New Testaments there is another foundational attribute we…

Learning to Fear God Always

Why do you go to the Feast of Tabernacles? God expects that one important reason we would always remember, is that we go to learn to fear Him always.

Peace From God For You and Me

A peacemaker is one who helps in difficult times and through Christ we have peace. God always wants to be close to us and wants us to be close to Him and through this relationship, building this faith results in…

Going to Church

We are the church as worshipers/ We act out of reverence to the divine being. We have true worship with deep respect and regard.

The Fear of the Lord

The Bible defines the "Fear of the Lord" is a surprising number of ways. It does not simply mean to be afraid of God.

Why ARE You Here?

Why did you come to the feast? It was commanded? For a family vacation? What is our focus? Why are we here? How you answer these questions will have a HUGE impact on what you take home from the feast…

Principles of Prayer

Do you sometimes feel as though your prayers aren't making it past the ceiling? As though God doesn't care? Our relationship with God MUST involve prayer. This message covers 7 principles on how you and I can prioritize our prayer…