
Lessons From Ecclesiastes

What can we learn about vanity from Ecclesiastes? How does seeking pleasure for the moment lead to disaster? The author of Ecclesiastes pleads with us to learn from his mistakes.

The Parable of the Foolish Rich Man

The “Parable of the Foolish Rich Man”, as described in Luke 12:15-31, provides a contrast between the worldly “get way” of life, and God’s “give way” of life. We should examine our priorities, and assess which way of life we’re…

Revelation 2: What We Learn from the Church of God, Smyrna

Pastor Philip Aust covers background of the ancient city of Smyrna, the message of Revelation 2 directed to that church, and the important spiritual lessons that we can glean from them today.

Remember the Poor

Does God choose to make some people poor and others rich? This sermon will examine the topic of poverty through the lens of God's Holy Scriptures.

Spiritual Lessons from King Hezekiah for Today

This message highlight the life of King Hezekiah with a focus on three very important spiritual lessons that each of us as Christians must be careful to understand and practice.

The Peril of Riches

Is it really possible for a camel to go thru the "eye of a needle"? Sermonette lookng at Christ's words in Matthew and the perils that come with riches

Our Focus With Money

Money is important in the world today. How should it be important to us? It is not wrong to have lots of money, to be rich. However, it is not to be our main priority. It is not to be…

Our Focus with Money

How we should look at money in our life is throughout the Bible. How is our focus with money? How thankful are we for what God has given us?
A man holding a Bible in his hand.

What Does the Bible Say About Christians Who Are Poor?

Rich or poor, Christians must be saving up a treasure in heaven that does not fail.
A young man sitting on a rock looking out over the water.


Ever notice how we seem to be able to fill any storage place we own?