
The Christian Conscience

What does it mean to have a Christian conscience? We have to learn God's definitions of right and wrong and apply reason to them. Then we must act upon them.

Speak the Truth

It is critically important that we always tell the truth, but why? Why does it matter so much? God's creation is a good starting point to consider why it is so important.

Who is God? - Part 2

God designed Scripture to refute speculative theories about the spiritual Godhead. Discover how the two distinct divine members of the Godhead are closely unified by the same mindset that all who inherit the Kingdom of God must develop. This sermon…

Who is God? - Part 2

God designed Scripture to refute speculative theories about the spiritual Godhead. Discover how the two distinct divine members of the Godhead are closely unified by the same mindset that all who inherit the Kingdom of God must develop. This sermon…

Who is God? - Part 2

God designed Scripture to refute speculative theories about the spiritual Godhead. Discover how the 2 distinct members of the Godhead are closely unified by the same mindset that all who inherit the Kingdom of God must develop.

Armor of God - Righteousness

Each morning, you need to put on the Armor of God.

A Tale of Two Trees

Listen to this sermon to learn what God teaches us concerning good and evil, and the important distinction between what man considers to be good and what God says is good.

What is Truth?

What is real truth compared to what people believe is truth?


Discernment is a vital tool for a Christian for without it, one can easily be misled. We look at discernment and some of the consequences of not using it.


What is the most important spiritual attribute? Knowing right and wrong is of the utmost importance.