
Our Manner of Spirit in Righteous Indignation

Why did James and John ask if they should call down fire on a town that rejected Jesus? Rather than overzealousness, what if they were level-headed and rational - and how could Jesus’s response instruct us to navigate a world…

Judging and the Day of Judgement

Please join us for this very eye opening video sermon on Judging. Do we have to learn to judge? Is judging the same as discernment? The answers to these questions and much more are brought to light in this excellent…

Learning to Judge

As Kings and Priests in the Kingdom of God, God’s people will need to know how to govern. Valuable principles can be learned by studying the law God gave to the nation of ancient Israel.

Judgment and Justice

In this sermon, we will see that it is vital for God’s people to understand the relationship between judgment and justice that God emphasizes throughout His word. Why? Because God doesn’t just expect His people to understand what judgment and…

If I Were God

This message examines the key changes that the Christ, as the executive God of the Millennial Kingdom, will bring about as the transition is made from the rule of Satan to the rule of the King of Kings and Lord…

Righteous Judgment

Should we judge? If so, how should we judge? This message discusses several principles for making righteous judgments in this life as we prepare for God's Kingdom.

How Do We Judge?

Many in today's society use Matthew 7:1's admonition to "judge not" as a criticism of any who might not approve of their choices in life. We need to have the proper understanding and application of these words of Jesus so…

Keys to Righteous Judgment

When we look into the Bible, we find that God gives us the responsibility of learning how to judge righteously. But we also find that we will never be able to fulfill this responsibility of righteous judgment unless we come…

Are You a Righteous Judge?

The scripture tells us to “judge not that you be not judged.” We are also told to “judge righteous judgement.” Which is it? If we do judge - do we judge - is our judgment righteous?

Beware the Court of Public Opinion

It's common nowadays for people to try their causes in the Court of Public Opinion, and to seek to influence others to take on their cause. But folly and shame can be the reward, not only of those who resort…