
Are You Ready for the Time of the End?

We need to be a genuine Christian at all times.

An Oasis in the Desert

God’s word is like an oasis in a desert. We should thirst for the truth. We must remember the great importance of our calling.

Why Does God Want Our Thoughts?

God knows and can read our very minds. Why does God want us to bring every thought into captivity? And what are some of these thoughts that we’re suppose to bring into captivity? What do we have to be watching…

Seek God’s Righteousness

How to seek God’s Righteousness using the model prayer from the sermon on the mount as a basis.
Media Production

Spiritual Runners

Running a race is a common metaphor in the Bible for our Christian journey.
Photo of a man buttoning a tailored suit.

Building Your Inner Person

Do we place as much emphasis on the development of our character as we do in making sure we look physically presentable each day?

God Called Us to An Unleavened Way of Life

What does it mean to live an "unleavened way of life"? How do we do this? This sermon answers those questions.

What is the "IT" Factor?

Local Webcast - As we think about the spring Holy Days let's think about the "It" factor and see what we can discover. "It" is God's victory... dominant, personal, complete and lasting.

Time for Personal Reflection

We need to take time for personal reflection before the Passover. We need to see ourselves as God sees us; as His children. We are called the children of God and we need to reflect that in our lives.

God Has Called Us To An Unleavened Way of Life

What does it mean to live an "unleavened way of life"? How do we do this? This sermon answers those questions.