
Pillars of Truth

Truth is a difficult thing to find. Some would say to check your sources for the Truth. But would we answer, ask “me”? Let's look at the characteristics of pillars? How do they apply to members in God's Church in…

Pillars of Truth

What are the characteristics of pillars? How do they apply to members in God's Church in a spiritual way?

The Rock of Ages

The purpose of this message is to show, contary to the beliefs of many, that the Church is built upon Jesus Christ and not the apostle Peter.

Rocks In Our Lives

This sermon draws lessons from the experience of building a rock wall with the help of family members and friends. A solid and strong rock wall needs a good cornerstone, strong stones on the lowest row to form a good…

Why Moses Couldn't Enter the Promise Land

This sermon focuses on three reasons Moses was not able to enter the Promised Land, and the lessons we can learn from this remarkable account. We are on a journey to a spiritual destination, and the lessons we can learn…

Keep the Big Rock First

Using the analogy of putting the big rocks in the jar before everything else, Lussenheide describes what our priorities should be. First the big rocks, then pebbles, then sand, and finally water. The rocks are family, children, marriage, health, relationships…

Filling Your Life with Rock

Sin and leavening can take up all our free time in life. Do not be unequally yokes to unbelievers. The temple of God has no business having relations with idols.

Precious Stone Upon Precious Stone

From the beginning of history to the end of the age, humans have wanted to make a name for themselves - including spiritually. The people of God, , wish to build a tower to the heavens of a spiritual nature…

Guided by God's Word 1

We have the life God wants for us if we establish our life on the right foundation.

Guided By God's Word

We have the life God intends for us if we establish our life on the right foundation.