
Children - Think, Teach, Talk

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 11/2/19 Each year on the second Sabbath after the Feast of Tabernacles, we follow the example in Matthew 19 and we ask a blessing on little children. As parents and mentors we each want the best for…

Maxims for Husbands and Fathers

What does Biblical Rule mean when applied to marriage? Does it mean to be a dictator? What is a good father? What if we never had a good fatherly role model? There are three words that describe how a husband…

Today's Role Models

"There will be a time when you will be a role model to someone. How do you want to be seen, and what characteristics do you want to possess?"

Celebrity Statu No Substitute for Character

"Celebrity status causes the personal flaws of many famous individuals to be downplayed or glossed over. But the Bible shows that the true character of an individual always becomes evident eventually."

In the News...Feminine Dress

Ever heard of Audrey Hepburn? Grace Kelly? Not so long ago they were the epitome of modest femininity.