
The Vital Role of Fathers

Families are a very special thing in the eyes of God and they are under attack. Are you, as a father, protecting your family?

Principles of Submission

The Bible commands each one of us to practice submission. This sermon provides valuable principles to help you in your dual role as someone in submission and someone in authority.

Three Basic Rules of Any Relationship

Join us for this very interesting Sermon about relationships and the rules that govern them. Specifically three basic rules of any relationship.

The Promise Made Before the Foundation of the World

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 5/25/19 What is the nature of Jesus Christ? Judaism and Islam accept Jesus as a prophet, but certainly do not accept Him as God. The dominant Christianity, which is Trinitarian, says that Jesus is of an essence…

What Makes Mom a Mom

We usually stop to think about mom on Mother's day. But have you ever stopped to think about what truly makes moms so special? In this message we exam 7 things that make mom, mom!

It's a Three Ring Circus: Family - Part 3 Children and Grandchildren

Do you ever struggle trying to balance the roles and responsibilities in your marriage and family? Does it every feel like a 3 ring circus where the clowns are running the show? Families are interacting, constantly changing and at times…

It's a Three Ring Circus: Family - Part 2 the Wife and Mother

Do you ever struggle trying to balance the roles and responsibilities in your marriage and family? Does it every feel like a 3 ring circus where the clowns are running the show? Families are interacting, constantly changing and at times…

Our Role in the Congregation

Whether old or young, each of us has a responsibility and role to play in our local congregation. What should we offer our fellow brethren as examples?

It's a Three Ring Circus: Family - Part 1 the Husband and Father

Do you ever struggle trying to balance the roles and responsibilities in your marriage and family? Does it every feel like a 3 ring circus where the clowns are running the show? Families are interacting, constantly changing and at times…

Authority, Structure and Roles in the Church - Part 4

In the 4th and final part of this series, we'll examine how authority and structure translate into the various roles of church in our local congregations. Whether we have a title and 'position' or not, everyone is a part of…