
What Did the Early Church Believe and Practice?

The book of Acts records eyewitness accounts of the early Church from Christ's resurrection until about A.D. 60. Chapter 2 records the beginning of the Church.

God's Great Purpose for Man

Salvation in God's Kingdom is the ultimate purpose of your life.
A man standing with a Bible with his back against a wall.

A Test for You?

Will you pass the test? Are you willing to surrender a portion of your time to build the kind of relationship God wants to enjoy with you?
United Church of God members sitting in church services during the Feast of Tabernacles.

Our Appointment With God

God says His Sabbath is a divine appointment that He commands His people to keep through their gathering before Him with other believers.
Quelle est la bonne sorte d’adoration ?

What is True Worship?

True worship of God honors God's commands concerning the Sabbath.
Le sabbat dans les temps à venir

The Sabbath in the Age to Come

God created the Sabbath for mankind and there will yet come a time when all mankind will keep God's Sabbath.
Le sabbat de Dieu dans le monde d’aujour d’hui

God's Sabbath in Today's World

Is the Sabbath relevant in our modern world? Is it really practical to try to keep the Sabbath today? If so, how should we observe it?
A person looking at a sunset.

A Sign of God's People

Those who keep holy His Sabbath day—the only day of the week God has ever set apart—proclaim, by their actions, their acceptance of Him as the supreme authority over how they should live, think and worship.
« Il y a donc un repos de sabbat réservé au peuple de Dieu »

"There Remains a Sabbath-Rest for the People of God"

The book of Hebrews weaves together three themes of rest: the rest promised to Israel from enemies, the weekly Sabbath, and the spiritual rest through Christ.
A stack of books on a shelf.

Surprising Admissions About the Sabbath and Sunday

Leaders and authorities from many religious denominations candidly acknowledge that Saturday is the biblical Sabbath day and that there is no biblical basis for Sunday observance.