
"The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath" (Mark 2:27).

Given to mankind by God on the last day of the creation week, this oft-disputed day plays a key role in the plan of God. Find out what it is, when it should be kept and what you stand to gain from it.


God's Plan and God's Holy Days

The Good News of God's Plan is not preached today. The Sabbath points to God's Plan, to God's creation, both physical and spiritual. God's Holy Days expound that Plan of Salvation. The fall Holy Days describe the second great phase…

Why We Observe the Sabbath

The Sabbath is one of the fundamental, basic teachings of the Church. This message explains from the scriptures why the seventh-day Sabbath is still in effect for all Christians, and why we observe it.
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An Opportunity To Be a Disciple

Christ offers us a chance to be His disciples, but being a disciple is about more than a moral code.
Sunrays over a mountain and a lake.

Do You Know About the Holy Days Jesus Kept?

Did you realize that the Bible contains exciting knowledge that is rarely noticed? It has everything to do with God’s marvelous plan for humanity revealed through the biblical festivals that Jesus Christ Himself observed.

The Sabbath is a Sign

God said the Sabbath was a sign between Him and the people of Israel. It later became a sign with His church, and it should be a sign for us as individuals that we are God's people.
A photo illustration of the apostles and one of them is reading from a scroll.

What Did the Early Church Believe and Practice?

Shouldn't you look into your Bible to see if your beliefs and practices square with what Jesus Christ and the apostles practiced and taught?
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I'm Free!

We are often tyrannized by our hectic, modern, technology-driven lives; and it's not what God intended for us. God has given us freedom from that tyranny through His Sabbath.
People sitting during church service.

A People Special to God

To most people, a church is a building where people meet. But in Scripture, the word refers to a group of people—those called to follow Jesus Christ. It's important that we understand the spiritual heritage of these people special to...

God’s Dress Rehearsal for the Future

God’s dress rehearsal for the future can be considered as a practice run about whether that future is being faithful to the end or is living through the end-time events.

Counting to Pentecost

This message reviews three perspectives for arriving at a date for Pentecost observance.