
"The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath" (Mark 2:27).

Given to mankind by God on the last day of the creation week, this oft-disputed day plays a key role in the plan of God. Find out what it is, when it should be kept and what you stand to gain from it.


Fundamental Doctrine of the Sabbath, Part 2

Elder Mark Vincen concludes his two-part presentation on the fundamental doctrine of the Lord’s Sabbath with five more elements in understanding this day and examines the correct context of several scriptures often quoted as evidence that the Sabbath is no…

A Shot Across the Bows

Is what we are experiencing today as a result of a global pandemic, merely a shot across the bow? A warning of much bigger problems ahead? Are you prepared physically and more importantly, spiritually?

The Sabbath - Reflections and Revelations

Taking a serious look at Sabbath observance, and unveiling more of its revelations of our keeping.

God's Festival

In this sermon, the Feasts of God are reviewed through the scriptures beginning with the Sabbath Day.


Mankind has a memory Problem. God Commanded man to remember the Sabbath. In the past and into the future, millions have not remembered.

The Sabbath Was Made For Mankind

Message looks into what it means that the Sabbath was designed as a blessing to humanity

The Sabbath: A Reminder of What God Is Doing in our Life

As we observe God's Sabbath, it is about more than just a day of rest. It points us back to our relationship with God and what He is doing in our life as our Creator, our Redeemer, and our Sanctifier.

The Sabbath Day (Fundamental Beliefs Part 10)

At the end of the creation week, God blessed and sanctified the seventh day, and in it He rested from all His works of creation. We too are to keep the Sabbath holy.

Twenty-five Years from Now

Twenty-five years ago, United Church of God began. The people of God moved forward through history in preservation of the Sabbath and Holy Days. How will your spiritual life be defined in the next 25 years?

Fundamental Doctrine of the Sabbath, Part 1

Elder Mark Vincen covers a fundamental doctrine of the Church of God, examining five of ten elements in understanding the true Sabbath; in part one of this two-part presentation.