Same-Sex Marriage

Following the scriptural example, the United Church of God graciously welcomes into our fellowship all people who repent of their sins—any sins. But we neither practice nor recognize same-sex “unions” or marriages.

Proponents of a “Great Reset” include Britain’s Prince Charles and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Current Events & Trends

An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the January/February 2021 issue of Beyond Today.

The War on Marriage and Family

There are forces at war in the world attacking God-ordained marriage which in turn threatens the survival of the traditional family. You need to know what the battlefields are in this warfare and what God would have you to do…
A troubled looking couple.

The War on Marriage and Family

Forces are at war in the world attacking marriage—which in turn threatens the survival of the family. You need to know what the battlefields are in this warfare and what God would have you to do about it!

God's Plan for Marriage

God created marriage so that we may love one another as He loves us. One man; one woman; for life.
A mushroom cloud explosion.

Current Events & Trends

An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2017 issue of Beyond Today.
People waving gay pride flags.

The Gay Agenda Blueprint

The startling shift in American attitudes toward gays and same-sex marriage is not the result of chance or random events. More than a quarter century ago, gay strategists laid out a plan to transform the nation—with astounding success.
Media Production

What Will You Do When It Comes to You?

A Kentucky Clerk of Court is jailed for refusing to issue a same-sex marriage certificate. What would you do?
Media Production

The United Church of God: Stance on the Supreme Court's Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

On Friday, June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its long-anticipated decision about what the status of same-sex marriage is to be in the United States. Based upon Holy Scripture the United Church of God believes and teaches that...
A woman behind a rain covered window.

4 Things Christians Should Remember When Thinking About the Supreme Court Gay Marriage Decision

After breathing deeply into a paper bag, that is.
Love and Acceptance: A New Generation of Flower Children

Love and Acceptance