
No Compromise

This sermon reviews the effects of compromising God's Law in one's life and its serious penalties by reading biblical examples. These stories are reminders to not be slack regarding God's Word.

Lessons from Samson

today we are going to look at Five lessons from the life of Samson and see how we can apply them to our lives today.

Lessons from Samson

Samson is the Biblical strong man! Killing a lion with his bare hands, pulling down gaits, and slaying thousands. He was strong, yet he was weak, so today we take a brief look at Samson's life to look at a…

The Samson Touch

Samson was a man of passion. It got him into trouble. And, there are passions that will hinder our relationship with God. Yet, passion is needed to worship God and draw closer to Him. We can't get to certain levels…

Samson's example of walking out of God's purpose

Look at a story of a man, Samson, who just like us, had a very special calling, the very power of God to achieve the extraordinary tasks, yet he became blind and broken. Sin can short circuit the purpose God…

It Is of the Lord

Sometimes we may fail to see that the events occurring in our lives are part of an unseen hand. We may even wonder if God is working in our life. In truth, what might be happening could be part of…

How to Defeat a Roaring Lion

To defeat a lion we need to have a good plan and we need some help. There are spiritual parallels to this our Christian life.

The Nazarite Vow

Either man or woman could take the vow. They were to keep and separate themselves from wine and strong drink. They could not drink vinegar of wine or even eat moist grapes, or raisons. No razor came upon their heads…
Discoveries at Goliath's hometown support accuracy of the Bible

God, Science and the Bible

This summer two significant discoveries at Tell es-Safi, identified as the site of biblical Gath, have been announced that support the historical accuracy of the Bible.

God, Science and the Bible

Archaeology has been found to support yet another biblical story—the account of mighty Samson and his death in a Philistine temple.