Media Production

Sardis: Complacency Kills

Jesus scolded a Christian congregation that had lost its spiritual zeal. What’s the key message for us? Stay fervent!
Media Production

Prophecy: He Who Has an Ear

We cannot be complacent, we must wake up and repent!
Media Production

Seven Churches: Sardis

We cannot become complacent; we are not invulnerable to trials and temptations.

Characteristics of the Final Church

The Church is a spiritual organism that will never die. But just before the return of Christ, there will be one final group of people here on Earth enduring to tribulation and working diligently to obey God in Spirit and…

The Neglect of Sardis

At the beginning of the 17th century, courageous ministers carried the Word of God and the Gospel message to Great Britain. What does history record and teach us of this fifth era of God's Church? What are the lessons we…

Sardis, and Its Message For Us

A message to an ancient Church, with a powerful reminder for us today.


The book of Revelation and the message to the 7 Churches teaches us seven basic attitudes that Christ wants for His Church to develop. Christ wrote a personal letter to each of the 7 Churches to give each Church spiritual…

Listen to What the Spirit Says to You (7 Churches #3: Thyatira & Sardis)

Len Martin continues his series on the 7 Churches of Revelation. This sermon is about Thyatira & Sardis, and what we can learn from them.

Listen to What the Spirit Says to You, Part 3

We need to examine ourselves by asking: Do we have the same strengths or weaknesses of one of the seven churches in Revelation? Continuing the sermon series entitled "Listen to What the Spirit Says to You," part 3 covers the…

Learning From the Churches of Revelation - Part 3

This is the third in a series of sermons on learning from the churches of Revelation. In this sermon the churches of Thyatira and Sardis.