
Genesis - The First 2000 Years

Please join us for this very informative sermon about the first 11 Chapters in the book of Genesis. This covers the first 2000 years. Were the angels created before the earth was created? The answer to this and a lot…

Don't Be Afraid of the Light

As we start the new year, we should take some time to analyze our own lives. Are we putting away the works of darkness and moving into the light of God's way of life. 1 Peter 2:9 tells us we…

Are You Ready For The 2020's

God commands us to be separate from and to come out of this world. Human nature all around us yearns to live free of any constraints while mass media seeks control and delivers the means to live vicariously in Satan’s…

Do We Take the Devil Seriously?

Many in this society scoff at the concept of the devil. As God's people do we? We should, and we must be aware of his purpose to thwart God's plan and destroy us as God's children. In the split-sermon, Bob…

Were There or Are There Aliens on Earth?

Ancient alien theorists are clamoring to prove the existence of extraterrestrial alien beings on earth starting many thousands of years ago until now. The Bible shows us who the real aliens are.

Would Jesus Keep Christmas?

The pastor reviews why Christmas should not be kept, and proves through scriptures that this holiday season is neither a way to honor God's name nor a correct form of worship.

Four Lessons from Job

The pastor examines the Book of Job and outlines four principle lessons that will help a member overcome worries, fears, and doubt when facing any trial.

Discerning the Spirits

Do we ask God for the gift of the discernment of the spirits? Can you tell if a spirit is after you? Satan poses as an angel of light and demons seek to manifest themselves through living organisms. Members of…


Satan is compared to a roaring lion seeking to devour us. The lions of Tsavo are used to show us an example of how Satan works.

The Day of Atonement - A New Beginning

The Day of Atonement represents the time when Satan will be banished. But there is much more to it than that. This special Holy Day represents the removal of unrighteousness and the time when we will be reconciled to God!