
Let Your Yes Be Yes

We are told to let our yes be yes. Make sure you are true to your word.

From Damascus to Rome

Saul of Tarsus was the least likely of all candidates to become a Christian. Paul experienced firsthand the depth of Christ’s love, who died for all while yet sinners. He was chosen by God to preach the gospel to the…

On the Road to Damascus

Saul hated the very name of Jesus and believed that Jesus was a blaspheming heretic who could not be the Messiah. He zealously hunted down Christians and violently persecuted them for corrupting what he believed was true religion. After Christ’s…

Comparing the Two Sauls

Which Saul would you choose to be like in the end?

The Life and Lessons of Samuel

Today, I would like to look at the life and times of Samuel. There are many things we can learn from this prophet of God. He was a remarkable man that the Eternal used in a time of great transition…

Lessons From Saul

Lessons in how Saul’s attitude changed over time, resulting in his decline into paranoia, jealousy and bitterness.

Bible Study: Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 11:1-30

Continiuning our Study of the Book of Acts. Calling of the Gentiles

A Little About the Man After God's Own Heart

Ken Skorseth describes the inspiring story of David, from the slaying of Goliath to his confrontation with King Saul. NOTE: The first few minutes of this message was not recorded.

Could You be Rejected to be a King in the Kingdom of God?

Very eyeopening sermon about our responsibilities and commitments to enter the Kingdom of God. Do we have to hold on and persevere till the end? Join us for this very interesting video on the most important thing in our lives.

Bible Study: Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 9:1-31

This Bible Study is a continuation in the Book of Acts.