
Envisioning The Resurrection

The understanding of God's plan for a resurrection from the dead was not understood for thousands of years although various glimpses of the idea were presented throughout the old testament. Much more of the plan became evident when Jesus Christ…

The Resurrections Reveal God’s Mercy to Mankind!

Our understanding of the resurrections is fundamental to our understanding of Jesus Christ, His Church, and His plan for every human being since the beginning of mankind. Yet there is an order in which all the dead will be resurrected…

The Final Enemy

We’ll see, through scripture, how death will be wiped out, while focusing on the question “What about the rest of the dead?”

 The First Great Day of Hope for all Mankind

This sermonette discusses how those in the second resurrection will experience hope as they confront their resurrected state. It will also discuss our role in fulfilling that hope.
Magazine Issue

Beyond Today Magazine: March–April 2019

From a biblical standpoint, this is a very significant time of year. It reminds us of ancient Israel’s miraculous deliverance from Egyptian slavery, of the Passover commemoration, of the symbols Jesus Christ instituted as the ultimate Passover “Lamb of God”...

The Second Resurrection

We have a chance to meet our relatives that we have never known, if we remain loyal to God and become Kings and Priests in the Kingdom of God.

They Are Waiting on Us

God's Feasts are independent and interdependent. One supports all; all support one. As God’s first-fruits, we are connected with God’s great White Throne Judgment of billions of future brethren. In truth, "They are waiting on us."

Resurrection of the Dead

In considering going on to perfection, we need to understand the purpose of this life and what God is doing with mankind and what awaits mankind after death in this lifetime.

Going On To Perfection

In considering going on to perfection, we need to understand the purpose of this life and what God is doing with mankind and what awaits mankind after death in this lifetime.

If Anyone Thirsts, Let Him Come

The Way of Life that leads to peace is something that all mankind will be shown after the Second Resurrection. We are to become the source of those "Living Waters" that will provide them this life.