
A Chosen One

God is very much aware of what goes on. He's very much aware of our needs, our hurts, our disappointments, and everything else. He's able to give us the courage and the strength to be victorious.

May There Be Peace Within Your Walls

A brief exploration of the broad concept of preparing for the unknown within the frame of setting our homes in order and building the peace and security that God desires for His people.

Love, Worth, and Acceptance

Good qualities of fatherhood include providing security, necessities, and long-term goals for children. These qualities emulate God our Father.

The Complete Story of Pentecost

After listening to this message, people will know and understand the complete story about Pentecost and why God sent His Holy Spirit on this day.

Lessons From the Fig Tree

The fig tree is the third tree in the Bible to be mentioned by name. It is found throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. What lessons can we learn from the fig tree that we can apply to ourselves…

Can We Lose Salvation?

God has invested much in providing a sacrifice for our sins so that we can be in His Kingdom and obtain salvation. Would He allow us to lose it once we've been saved? In this split-sermon Bob McCurdy discusses the…

Building The Ark

Preparing for the reality of Judgement by building a proper place of safety.

What is the Source of Your Security?

Elder Mark Vincen gives examples of where many derive sources of security, where we should not place our security, and where our ultimate security should lie.

World News and Trends

The U.S. electrical grid has been penetrated by foreign agents who inserted software that could attack the computer-controlled system, according to national security officials ("Electricity Grid in U.S. Penetrated by Spies," The Wall Street Journal, April 8, 2009).

Is Nothing Certain?

God does not change—all else does.