
Why Do We Fast?

What is our reason or motivation when we fast? Are we trying to impress God or try to get something from Him? Looking at examples from scripture we can clearly see that the reason to fast, is to seek God.

How to Prepare for Unexpected Trials

Life happens. Unexpected trials come about for all of us. Here are 5 points to help us prepare ourselves for them.

How is Our Prayer Life Going?

Do we value the opportunity we have to develop a strong, lifelong relationship with our spiritual Father? With the increasing distractions this life brings. Is it detouring our relationship with God? We will look at the importance of prayer and…

Seeing God Through Trials

It can be difficult to remain focused and remember the benefits that come from trials. In this split-sermon, Jerry Shallenberger, an elder serving in the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses how we can continue to see and look to God…

Seeking the Will of God

As we go through our daily lives, it can be easy to forget to seek out exactly what God's will for us is. It is so important that we involve Him in our decisions because it can be easy to…

A Heart Seeking God

Seeking God’s kingdom in this darkened world takes daily effort. The Christian needs to seek God’s help daily. We cannot make it on our own! Here is an example from David’s Psalm 143 of a man who sought after God…

The Prayer of Jabez

This prayer that is one verse long gets a lot of attention. What can we learn from the prayer of Jabez?

The God Who Has Been Seen

Though we have not personally seen Christ, we have believed His witnesses. They saw Him in the flesh. He came to His own people, and though they should have known Him, they did not receive Him. By God’s calling and…

What Spirit Is In You?

When trying to rule our spirit toward God's Spirit, don't let magnetic North pull you off of True North.

Satan-the Master Broadcaster

In Ephesian 2:2 Satan is called the prince of the power of the air working-inside the minds of-people. The main point of discussion—How Satan gets us to sin by wedging pride into our decision making.