
Be Ye Watchful

We must as Christians to be always be on watch. Bible tells us to watch ourselves, watch the church, and watch world conditions.
We may have outward signs of faithfulness, but is there evidence of a real,  internal spiritual transformation taking place?

What Is Your Spiritual Self-Image?

In preparing for the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread, it is important to examine ourselves for sin. To accomplish this, we need an accurate picture of our spiritual condition, which we can have by looking into God’s spiritual mirror.

God’s Dress Rehearsal for the Future

God’s dress rehearsal for the future can be considered as a practice run about whether that future is being faithful to the end or is living through the end-time events.

Passover Focus

Speaker: Tom Meece 4\4\20 The Passover is not about self-examination and feeling sorry, but rather about the Life of Christ---both in the physical and spiritual sense. To overcome our weaknesses, especially to live the abundant life God intends for us…

A Psalm of Ascents Check-up

It is not always easy for us to know how we are to examine ourselves, so today we will explore the use of a section of the Bible know as the psalms of ascents as a way of helping us…

The Waxen Heart

As we begin to approach the Passover season, we examine ourselves. One area to look deeply into is our hearts. What does our heart love? Has it waxed cold? How can we tell if it has, and what should we…

Introspective Inspection

As we move towards the Holy Day season we must self examine and ask whether we are not only just doing good deeds but people representative of the way of God.

Seeking and Practicing Silence

In the Old Testament three lessons and rewards may be gained from actively seeking silence. We may also learn from Christ's example in the NT that practicing silence develops the spiritual fruit of self-control.

Examine Ourselves

We need to examine ourselves before the Passover. We want God involved intimately in the process. We need Him to show us where we need to change. We cannot hide anything from Him.

Examining the Self

We all wrestle with selfishness and it is something we must overcome. With Passover just a few short weeks away, we need to examine ourselves and identify areas where we need to repent and change. Five problem areas of self…