
Show your Colors

A bright red jacket was given to me as a crew member who served Mr. Armstrong on his private jet. With the jacket, Mr. Armstrong gave a philosophy. I was to treat everyone on this plane like they were royalty…

Give or Get - What Does God Expect?

God is a giver. Every Holy Day He gives something. He wants us to be "givers" too. Did yo come to the Feast to give or to get?

The Suffering Servant

Do we discern the Lord's body? This message continues our study of the "suffering Servant" section of Isaiah.

The Suffering Servant

Do we discern the Lord's body? This message looks at the "suffering Servant" section of Isaiah verse by verse.

Servant vs. Hireling

What kind of christian worker are you? Are you a servant or a hireling?

Slaves, Part 2: Spiritual Application

Building on the foundation of slavery and the Abrahamic family laid in Part 1, and understanding that slavery in the first century was a societal norm (as people were classified as either free or slave), we look at uses of…

The Servanthood of Christ

Jesus Christ is our perfect example to be a servant of the Lord and to one another. What are the three types of servanthood that Christ exemplifies?

Being a Servant

Every time we get the chance to be a servant we should think of others before ourselves.


Many of the writings of Paul and the apostles showed that they considered themselves as the slaves or bondservants of Jesus Christ. In this sermon, Dr. Steve Holladay, a deacon serving in Atlanta and Buford, goes into the meaning of…

Epaphras - An Example For All Of Us

Epaphras is an everyday person who played a big role in his congregation. The traits he had are ones that we can all do to some degree in our own lives, contributing to our congregation. This message reviews who he…