
God's Calling

We are called by God. Thus what efforts should we be giving our calling?

Say Yes To The Task

Some people have trouble saying 'No' when asked to help. Others have trouble saying 'Yes.' Still others have trouble deciding what to say. Today, we'll talk about saying both 'Yes' and 'No,' and when an appropriate time is to say…


Humans typically want MORE. What MORE should you be seeking? What MORE shouldn't you be seeking? How can you have MORE of what God wants you to have? Let's examine the Bible's core message concerning our pursuit of MORE in…

Questions Christ is Asking You

Christians are being prepared to reign with Christ. Three questions Christ asks as part of your training to serve Him.

What Are You Doing Here?

You are here not just to feast, but to learn to serve.

Lessons from Côte d'Ivoire

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 8/3/19 A non-traditional sermon relating the lessons learned during the 2019 Youth Camp and leadership conference in Côte d'Ivoire. Whether we travel to far away places to serve or stay in our neighborhoods, we must place our…

Asking For and Using Spritual Gifts

Very good sermon on why we should ask for spiritual gifts then be prepared to use them to serve and edify the body of Christ.


This world has no freedom. Is there a difference between freedom and at liberty? Are they really exactly the same? Freedom is complete absence of restraint. Liberty is a measure of freedom within restraint granted by a sovereign power. What…

Purposing My Heart to Serve God

We need to make serving God our main priority. Make it our heart's purpose.

Culture of the Kingdom: Built to Serve

Christ gave a new definition of “greatness” for His people, which will be part of the culture of His Kingdom. Are we allowing Him to build His temple with one of the key ingredients of that culture?