A woman praying.

Healing Broken Trust in Marriage, Part 5

How I was shown emotional trauma in my upbringing that impacted my relationship with my husband, and how I learned to put all my trust and sense of identity in God.
A woman looking away from the camera.

Healing Broken Trust in Marriage, Part 4

Working through past trauma in order to find complete trust in God.
A woman walking in a field.

Healing Broken Trust in Marriage, Part 3

How God showed me my own brokenness, leading me to personal healing.
A young woman looking from behind an edge of a wall.

Healing Broken Trust in Marriage, Part 2

How my husband's addiction ripped our marriage apart, and the miraculous changes God began to effect in both my husband and me that put us on the path to reconciliation.
A woman looking down at water that is flowing past a bridge.

Sex, Sin and the Pursuit of Purity

What you can do to flee wrong thinking and influences and strongly pursue a life of true, godly purity?
A sad woman sitting on the floor.

Healing Broken Trust in Marriage, Part 1

The downward spiral of a marriage when one spouse is leading a separate life of sex addiction, and the journey back to trust.
A man in a dark hallway.

Healing Broken Trust in Marriage

My husband battled sex addiction for 12 years during our marriage, but we worked through it by God's direction and have healed. In this series I share my story to encourage and assist others struggling with a similar experience.
Media Production

How to Quit Porn

Having invaded hearts and homes, the evil of pornography has become a prolific crisis. But people can break free! Discover how.
Media Production

Porn Problem

It is everywhere. Stats are scary. What can you do?
Old chains hanging down from a dark ceiling.

Curse of Pornography

Practical solutions to help you get out of and remain free from sexual sin.