A group of friends on blanket in a park talking.

Is There Any Point in Sharing My Faith With My Non-Christian Friends and Family?

If they'll be in the second or general resurrection anyway, is there any point in sharing my faith with my non-Christian friends and family? Absolutely!

Teaching Them to Observe All Things

As part of the "Great Commission" by Jesus Christ, each of us individually was given instruction about "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you". We are instructed to both teach through our example and through our…

The Blessing of Gratitude

Being thankful for the truth that has been given to you. Will you then go out and serve others? Our responsibility is to share, to heal and to serve.

Pentecost, God's Spirit, and Sharing

This sermon will cover two lessons we learn from Pentecost. The first is that Pentecost pictures a return to God through repentance and the giving of the Holy Spirit. The second is that because we have been given the Holy…
You Are Here with boots black and white

This Is the Way Walk in It

Before over-analyzing people and their problems with all our good answers and quick solutions, we may simply want to talk, share a meal with them and give them some food for thought.
Alphabet teaching - Just For Youth...We All Have a Lot to Learn

Just For Youth...We All Have a Lot to Learn

Different learning experiences in our lives can teach us lessons that lead to a deeper faith.