
The Assurances of Our Good Shepherd

As we navigate the "perilous times" of which Paul warned Timothy, it is imperative that we continue to look to, and focus on, the assurance and hope that we find in the promises of our Good Shepherd, the one who…

The Feasts of the Lord: Lessons from the Lamb of God

In a sermon during the Feast of Unleavened Bread before the webcast audiences of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, pastor Philip Aust discusses the characteristics that Christ displayed in His role as the Lamb of God, and what we should…

The Compassion of Christ

Have you ever noticed how often Jesus Christ was moved by compassion? In this message, we'll review several examples showing how Christ demonstrated compassion on the physical, emotional and spiritual level. We'll then look at how and why we should…

Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?

Have you ever encountered someone who appeared genuine, only to learn later they did not have your best interests in mind? These are sometimes referred to as 'Wolves in Sheep's clothing.' Jesus Christ referred to this strange creature and warned…

Accounted As Sheep For the Slaughter

Serving sin has earned us the death penalty. Through Christ's sacrifice, our penalty has been paid; at baptism we pass from death into life. Then we must live a life demonstrating our faith in God by faithful acts, letting God…

Three Elements We Can Glean From the Story of the Shepherd and the Sheep

The shepherd knows his sheep and the sheep know the shepherd's voice. How do we learn to know our true shepherds voice and learn how to understand that voice. God told the house of Israel that the covenant He would…

Hearing the True Shepherd

The Bible often uses the sheep/shepherd relationship analogy. What understanding can we gain about our relationship with God though this analogy?

Like Sheep Among Wolves

Christ warned his followers about Wolves? Do you know what he meant ? Why he said it? What is there to be concerned about?

Who Does Jesus Say He Is?

This message will help one understand who Jesus says He is, and learn about five valuable lessons we must never forget.

Christ as the Good Shepherd

The New Testament equivalent of Psalms 23 is John 10. Find out how this is so in this message.