
The Roman Turtle

A Christian's absolute faith in God can stop and extinguish the flaming arrows that Satan the devil shoots at us.

The Shield of Faith

Our daily battle against Satan and his evil helpers requires that we put on ALL of the armor of God. This week, we will show how the Shield of Faith helps us to win that battle!

The Shield of Faith

The shield of faith is our first line of defense, and we must maintain a firm grip upon if we are to overcome our adversary. And should we feel that grip loosening, we can form up a spiritual “shield wall”…

Getting Dressed Every Day in The Armor of God

In Malachi the question is asked regarding who can stand when the Lord appears. How do we find ourselves standing when Christ returns? The prince of the power of the air is broadcasting spiritual ideas that are against God and…

Strong in the Lord

Only by dressing everyday in the whole armor of God, can we protect ourselves from the wiles of Satan the devil. Patiently, waiting for the return of Jesus and our change.

Spiritual Spring Training

The Spring Holy Days are just around the corner, and so is baseball season! As we prepare ourselves for Passover and Unleavened Bread, we'll look at some parallels between getting in shape for baseball season and getting ready for God's…

Faith of a Child

Have you ever been so worried about something it was all you could think about? In Matthew 6, Christ tells us not to worry but to have faith. Satan wants us to doubt. Three points to fight the enemies of…

Resisting Wrong

Are We Using God's Spiritual Armor to Resist Wrong, Make Godly Choices, and Allow God to Live in Us?

The Armor of God Part 4 : the Shield of Faith

A continuation of a series on the Armor of God. In this part 4 the shield of faith is addressed. Do we have faith that God is in charge of all? With true faith in God we will be able…
And Then the Fire Took

And Then the Fire Took

What does it take to beat one of the most serious health problems in the United States? Those same lessons can help us in our everyday battles to maintain a healthy spiritual life too!