
Children - Think, Teach, Talk

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 11/2/19 Each year on the second Sabbath after the Feast of Tabernacles, we follow the example in Matthew 19 and we ask a blessing on little children. As parents and mentors we each want the best for…
Recognizing Yourself In the Mirror

Recognizing Yourself In the Mirror

Have you ever visited someone you care about and couldn’t wait to spend time with, but noticed by the end of your trip that certain things about them were really starting to irritate you?

Does God Humiliate His People?

Through several biblical examples, we can see how God exposed the sins of His people using humiliation. With humility, our hearts and minds are turned toward repentance and the will of our loving God.

Too Good to Be True

This message delves into a couple of prophecies about the Millennium and how they seem impossible. But with God, nothing is impossible.
What Legacy Do We Leave?

What Legacy Do We Leave?

Do we leave a legacy of hope and godliness?