
Coping Well in Troubled Times

Consider four truths that will help you to cope well in these troubled times.

Quarantine is about Loving Others

Loving others as yourself is the 2nd Great Commandment. Experiencing an interruptive and even devastating an illness should lead one to attempt to prevent its harmful effects from spreading to others.

Divine Healing

What should we consider when we ask God for healing?

The Plan A For Thriving In Illness

Tim Pebworth 4/27/19 When we become sick or are faced with a physical handicap our Plan A is often to seek medical treatment, and if we believe in God to ask for health, but if it doesn't come we can…

When We Get Sick

Although doctors generally have high IQ's and among man have special training and skills, we will get healing quicker when God is involved in the process. God is our healer, no one else. We have direct access to him. When…
If you ask for healing and do not receive it, please don’t feel rejected, disillusioned or unloved. Beloved disciples of God who have great faith are often not healed.

Divine Healing

When God blesses you with divine healing, it certainly is a time of relief and joy and a time to thank and praise “the LORD, your healer.”

What To Do When Sick

David Metzel gives some basic instructions we find in the Bible about anointing. He shows us when to be anointed, how to be anointed, and when it is not appropriate.

What Cancer Cannot Do


Good News! The Healing That Only God Can Bring!

The world is full of sickness and disease - both physical and mental and emotional. Though many of mankind's greatest thinkers work daily to combat these illnesses, we are fighting a losing battle against death and disease. Jesus Christ and...

Need a Rest?

Do you need a break?