
Go To Nineveh

David Jones takes a different perspective on the story of Jonah the prophet who was commanded to go to Nineveh. Yet Jonah did not immediately do as God commanded knowing that disobeying God was risking his own life. Did he…

Today's News Supports the Wisdom of God's Food Laws

With the recent outbreak of the corona virus epidemic worldwide, mankind needs to take a new look at the food laws that God established in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. The source of this virus has been pointed to humans…

Could Jesus Christ Return in 2020?

People from the beginning of time have wanted to know the future. Each generation has thought it was the end time. There are some prophecies that needed to be complete before Christ returns. Are the signs in place that precede…

Learning from the Past

We as a nation have erred in not learning from past events, or failing to see the signs of the times we are in.

Don't get surprised, by ignoring the Times.

As we move closer to the end of this age it is more important than ever to be aware of the signs of the times we are living in.

Are You a Conditioned Laodicean?

How are you processing the news of the day? Are you discerning the signs of the times? We have been shocked so many times we are beginning to behave like laboratory animals. In Satan’s laboratory of spiritual and moral conditioning…

Signs of the Times

In this sermon, we examine three signs of the end times and compare those to world and domestic events occurring right now in 2018. Those are signs we can watch for. The third sign is one of which God’s people…

Discerning the Times

When David was finally able to set up the united monarchy, he had 200 men who could discern the times. What does that mean? Why is important, and how can you do it in your own life? Let's look at…

World News and Trends

People desire signs. Signs are very important to an ordered society, like directing traffic and reaching a destination
Do You Understand the Signs of the Times?

Do You Understand the Signs of the Times?

The intensity and frequency of tragic world and national events should rightly concern all of us. Jesus Christ Himself spoke of "the signs of the times." Certain telltale signs correspond to a crisis-filled close of this age -- called in...