
Sincerity & Truth

In a pre-Passover sermonette, Alan Edge discusses the requirement that God has for living the way of sincerity and truth.

Spiritual Spring Training

The Spring Holy Days are just around the corner, and so is baseball season! As we prepare ourselves for Passover and Unleavened Bread, we'll look at some parallels between getting in shape for baseball season and getting ready for God's…

The Truth Encapsulated

How often have you been asked for a reason of the hope that is in you, only later to regret inundating the inquirer with an encyclopedic-size answer? Sometimes a brief statement can be encyclopedic, as was Christ's to Nicodemus (John…

Lessons from Saying, "Thank You, God"

After listening to this message people will understand seven lessons and know five methods of saying, "Thank you, God."

A House that is Divided Cannot Stand!

Nowadays, the people of the United States are separated into two ways of thinking. People are now being offended in many matters, especially whether they are political or religious. Do you get offended easily?

Are You Counting On Truth and Sincerity?

Explore the lessons and the insights that guide us through the spring harvest.

Keep the Feast With the Unleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth

Paul reminds us during the Days of Unleavened Bread that our lives must change - we now live before God and man in sincerity based on truth.

Purge Out

1 Corinthians 5:7 reminds us to purge out the old leaven, which is symbolic of sin. Sin is what keeps us from being clean. Not only do we need to purge out the leaven that is in our homes, but…
Bow Down or Stand?

Bow Down or Stand?


What Is True Sincerity?

What is true sincerity? Do you have it? Do you need it?