
The Unleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth

Are you truly sincere in following Jesus Christ?

Can You Handle the Truth?

To show what Truth is and how to handle it! Since sincerity and Truth are what unleavening is what the Days of UB are about!

My Deal With God

Investigating the attitude behind the New Year’s resolution mentality and contrasting it with what God desires of us: sincerity.

The Prayers That God Listens To

Sometimes when we pray we are in fear or we cry out “Why me?” What kind of attitude is God looking for when we pray? We can find we don’t trust God and we think God won’t listen to our…

The Unleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth

We are to keep the Days of Unleavened Bread, and live our lives, with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Truth must be how we live, not just head knowledge. To genuinely live this way, we must not only…

Unleavened Sincerity

During this Spring holy day season as we observe the Festival of Unleavened Bread, this is a time for reflection and examination of what we think, say, and do. Are we motivated by godly sincerity? As we celebrate this season…

Thoughts On Being Thankful

Are we grateful for all the blessings God has given us? Be thankful.

Fences or Bridges?

How do we live? We have to take action on getting rid of sin. Jesus Christ is the antidote for being able to work to perfection. We have to add sincerity and truth to our lives

Are You Sincere?

What are our motives? Do they stand up to the light of day? Let's talk about what we do and why we really do it, and consider what steps we must take to grow in sincerity.

Create In Me A Clean Heart

King David became complacent in his relationship with God and this caused him to commit adultery and murder. It was during the aftermath of this period in his life that he wrote Psalms 51 - a song of true repentance…