Media Production

Smyrna: Faith Under Fire

The crown of life was pledged to Christians who stayed faithful in troubling times. Learn how that reward can be yours.

Revelation 2: What We Learn from the Church of God, Smyrna

Pastor Philip Aust covers background of the ancient city of Smyrna, the message of Revelation 2 directed to that church, and the important spiritual lessons that we can glean from them today.

Characteristics of the Final Church

The Church is a spiritual organism that will never die. But just before the return of Christ, there will be one final group of people here on Earth enduring to tribulation and working diligently to obey God in Spirit and…

The Persecution of Smyrna

Christians in the city of Smyrna faced very difficult challenges at the dawn of the second century. The persecution of God's true Church continued for hundreds of years afterwards. What lessons can the people of God take from the message…

Christ Counsels His Church to Develop 7 Foundational Attitudes! Part 2

The Book of Revelation and the message to the 7 Churches teaches us seven basic attitudes that Christ wants for His Church to develop. Christ wrote a personal letter to each of the 7 churches to give each Church spiritual…

Listen to What the Spirit Says to You (7 Churches #2: Smyrna & Pergamos)

Mr. Martin discusses what the spirit can teach us by reviewing the 7 churches in Revelation. The second part of the series is about Smyrna & Pergamos.


The book of Revelation and the message to the 7 Churches teaches us seven basic attitudes that Christ wants for His Church to develop. Christ wrote a personal letter to each of the 7 Churches to give each Church spiritual…

Listen to What the Spirit Says to You, Part 2

Part 2 of a series looking at the letters to the churches in Revelation. In this part, the letter to the church of Smyrna and Pergamos is examined, both full of lessons we can learn.

Learning From the Churches of Revelation - Part 2

This is the second in a series of sermons on learning from the churches of Revelation. The churches of Smyrna and Pergamos are covered.

Smyrna, the Truly Blest Church

For centuries, mankind has looked to physical blessings as an indicator of their good standing with different gods. In the mainstream religions of today, this idea has not been far from us. What does the bible say about blessing and…