
God: Best ________ In The Universe

What kind of mind did it take to create our Universe? The mind of an engineer? A chemist? A farmer? A father? The Creator of our Universe had to have an incredible mind to make it as He did. In…
Media Production

Voyager II's Amazing Space Discoveries!

The Voyager II probe has been sending data from the outer reaches of space for 42 years. Its findings point to a God-centered universe.

Spiritual Lessons From the Apollo 11 Moon Mission

50 years ago the Apollo 11 mission went to the moon. What are some spiritual lessons we can learn from this incredible event?
Walking on the moon.

“We Came in Peace For All Mankind”

Fifty years ago America landed two men on the moon and returned them safely—accomplishing a goal set by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. Since then, space has largely been a quiet and peaceful place. Could this change? What is...

Mind the Gap

The Bible tells us what we need to know and do in order to be faithful to God. But have you ever wondered about all the things the Bible doesn't tell us? About the large gaps in history at times…

Time Space: Quantum Physics and the Sabbath

Two concepts dominate our lives: space and time. Typically, we allow space and things to dominate our time. God wants us to do the opposite. He has designated sanctified time, the Sabbath and Holy Days which, when observed, benefit us…

Why Are We Here?

Humanity has pondered this question from the perspective of the universe and how we came to be on this planet. In this sermon we will go on a search for God as the ultimate creator. We will look at scriptures…
A person staring at the night sky filled with stars.

What Is Man That You Are Mindful of Him?

Many today struggle with their place in the vastness of this universe. Why are you here? What is your place in all of this?
In the News: Diamonds in Space?

In the News

Scientists have located a planet circling a small pulsar star not far from our galaxy.

In Brief...World News Review

Some astute observers believe that China's recent space shot has far more symbolic significance than just the first Asian entry into outer space.