
A Close Look at Every Idle Word

The tongue can be a wonderful tool or a dangerous weapon. We must be careful with each and every word we say.

Communication and the Christian

Words are very important and very powerful. We are called to represent God through our words and deeds.
Two people having a conversation

Gifts of Speech

“Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers” (Ephesians 4:29).

Yak Yak Yak

We communicate in various ways. How should our communications be conducted? Our speech should be pure and our intent innocent.
Media Production

X-Ray Your Words!

What we say is a reflection of what we think about. What do our words say about who we are?

What are Your Red Letter Words?

Red letter bible translations are fairly modern, having been first published in 1901, where Jesus Christ's teachings, His words were printed in red. These words were His testament; His witness of the Kingdom of God. We too are to be…

Foolish or Wise?

Proverbs is rich with examples of wise and foolish traits. If we study these traits, we can judge ourselves to identify places where we can grow in wisdom. The good news is that we can grow in wisdom if we…

God's 3rd Commandment: The Weight of Our Words

The 3rd Commandment should be well known by Biblically informed people, but the misuse of God's name is now commonly heard and accepted among Americans. Additionally, swearing and cursing is part of the language of many people. In this sermon…
Media Production

How Do You Talk?

Colossians 4:6 tells us to "season" our speech. What does this mean and how do we do it?

Seeking Truth - Prepared to Give An Answer

In a split sermon before the combined Atlanta and Buford congregations, Kirk Talbott discusses the subject of speaking the truth in our age when few really are willing to hear the truth. How do we respond when the hearers have…