The Spirit World

"Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them" (Job 1:6).

The spirit world is a plane of existence generally invisible to the human eye, with few exceptions throughout the course of history. It's typically from this realm that both angels and demons as well as God and Satan operate and interact with humanity, and we should take great care in how we approach it.



What does the Bible teach about angels? How do angels appear to men? How do angels interact with the world?

The Rapture

There is a commonly held belief that the saints will be raptured away. What does the Bible have to say about the rapture theory?
Media Production

When Demons Are Real!

The Bible reveals that a powerful being and his cohorts are actively orchestrating the wickedness dominating human society.
Ilustração artística de um planeta e de um campo estelar.

The Origin of the Spirit Realm

Where did angels come from? How long have these spirit beings existed? Do they have freedom of choice? Let’s look in the Bible to discover the answers.
Estátua de anjo em um jardim.


Angels have long been popular in our culture. People hold many ideas about them. But are those ideas accurate? Do they agree with what the Bible reveals?
Media Production

Is There a Spirit World?

Do spirits really exist? Are they active in the world today or is it all just fantasy? Discover the critical truth.
Media Production

Kingdoms at War: The Spirit of Hate

As nations fight, bringing angst upon millions, an unseen spiritual war rages behind the scenes. Learn more.
Media Production

Pokémon Go and the Spirit World

Could the augmented reality of Pokémon Go have a spiritual lesson for us?
A photos illustration of a hand through red smoke.

An Evil Spirit World

What’s the source of so much sorrow and suffering in our world? God’s Word reveals surprising details about a spiritual dimension—the angelic world—and an evil being and his cohorts who are the enemies of God and those who follow His...
A photo illustrating Daniel praying.

The Unseen Dimension Hidden From Human Senses

We have to go to the Bible to understand the spiritual dimension that impacts big events in our world every day.