

What does the Bible teach about angels? How do angels appear to men? How do angels interact with the world?

The Church is at War With Satan

The Church of God has a mandate to: 1. expose Satan 2. warn people of his devices 3. teach them how to defend themselves

Spiritual Warfare - Part 2

In a continuation of a previous sermonette, Stephen Kusi continues to discuss the warfare that Satan wages against God's people.

Lessons from Gideon

In this sermon we examine the life of Gideon and learn lessons we can apply in our life today.

The War on Marriage and Family

There are forces at war in the world attacking God-ordained marriage which in turn threatens the survival of the traditional family. You need to know what the battlefields are in this warfare and what God would have you to do…

Know Your Enemy

Do you know who your enemy is? Do you understand the strategies and approaches your enemy will develop to attack you? 9/11 took America by surprise. We clearly failed to recognize and understand our enemy so we could defend against…

Stand in the Gap

The Bible makes it clear that we are at war with Satan and we see in our nation a culture war that effects each of us in some ways. In the Old Testament history we see God's servants standing in…


Those of us who have been in the Church for a long time are Veterans of Spiritual Warfare. Here are some things we can use to fight that warfare.

What kind of Battle are you fighting?

The history of mankind is filled with wars and battles of many different kinds. Similarly in our spiritual warfare we face many different types of battles. In this sermon UCG elder Mark Sappington looks at five types of battles looking…

Are We Being Led Astray?

In this sermon, we examine the major strategies Satan employs against the people of God in order to lead them astray.