
For Such a Time As This

God has called us at this unique time and we stand at the crossroads. This sermon deals with our time. The time to take life to the next spiritual level. To greater commitment and action in order to continue to…

Drowning In Sin

What would you do if you were in a car that went off the road and into water? You'd try to get out right away, right? What about our lives? Have we run 'off the road' and are we in…

The Shadow of Trumpets

The Holy Days are shadows of things to come! Feast of Trumpets is a warning to us to wake-up from spiritual slumber!

The Fear of the Lord

In Ecclesiastes, Solomon was inspired to write that the conclusion of the matter is “to fear God and keep his commandments.”

Good and Evil

The forces of evil in this world are arrayed against our values and the truth of the scriptures. Will we stand against evil? Why do we have to resist evil in our lives?

Isaiah Chapter 8 – Stand Firm in the Faith

This message on Isaiah 8 examines a time of crisis that the nations of Israel and Judah were facing. As we Christians prepare ourselves for times of crisis in our lives we must look to the lesson God has for…

The Time In-Between

Our ultimate goal in life is to seek the “Kingdom of God”. What about that 'Time In Between' the days of memorial and celebration?

The Faith To Stand Up

Will we stand up when faced with temptation or severe trials? Jerry Shallenberger, a local elder serving in Atlanta and Buford, discusses examples in God's Word of people whose faith enabled them to stand up before danger and trouble. We…

Peter and the Eleven Stand Up

Peter changed 180 degrees. Your sphere of influence may be small but God can grow it.

The Prodigal Son and You--and Me!

So many people struggle with family and friends who have drifted away. There was anger and hostility. Are we preparing our minds and hearts to help restore the wayward when we have opportunity? Or will we be part of the…