
A Higher Standard

James Malizia -- 4/26/19 Transcript attached Title: A Higher Standard... Summary: As we come to the end of the Days of Unleavened Bread we have a fork in the road before us... Will we choose to continue engaging with God…

By This Shall All Men Know

The book of John records the farewell words that Christ spoke to His apostles. This section starts with a “new commandment” that Christ says will identify His disciples through time. These instructions should be at the core of what we…

To Consider Worthy of High Regard

God has very specific requirements of his people when it comes to how we treat others. We will explore just what we each must do to please God in this area.

The Abilene Paradox

In the last message we examined the basics of the Abilene Paradox, a business management principle coined by Jerry Harvey in the mid-70's. The Abilene Paradox ultimately deals with the management of agreement. When we see things in the church…

The Abilene Paradox

The Abilene Paradox is a business management principal described in the 1970's by Jerry Harvey. In the true story that inspired the description of the paradox - 4 people decide to travel to Abilene, Texas for a meal on a…


Are you modest in the sight of God and man?