
Act like a Berean!

Avoid being deceived by this world by acting like a Berean.

Close Enough For Goverment Work

What are God's standards for our lives? Are we living up to his standards or are we just setting our own that are just "good enough for govt work"?

Standards God Provides For His People

How are we to be lights to the world? What do we need to do to be a living gospel message? This sermon covers another of the Godly standards we must live up to, so that we may be a…

A Higher Standard

James Malizia -- 4/26/19 Transcript attached Title: A Higher Standard... Summary: As we come to the end of the Days of Unleavened Bread we have a fork in the road before us... Will we choose to continue engaging with God…

Quality Control Standards

Just as any manufacturing concern has quality controls standards, do we as Christians have our own quality control standards? How do we police ourselves? Do we have methods and procedures to control our behavior, thoughts and actions?

To Consider Worthy of High Regard

God has very specific requirements of his people when it comes to how we treat others. We will explore just what we each must do to please God in this area.

Resurrection of the Dead

In considering going on to perfection, we need to understand the purpose of this life and what God is doing with mankind and what awaits mankind after death in this lifetime.

Universal Salvation

Listen to this sermon to learn why "Universal Salvation" is not based on biblical truth, and that salvation is a conditional gift.

Will You Apply the Holy Spirit?

God wants us to rise to Godly standards using His Holy Spirit as our guide.

By These Standards You Can Know

We have standards we live by. How does your standards compare to God's standards? Four points that the Apostle John wrote about showing the standards we should live by.