
God: Best ________ In The Universe

What kind of mind did it take to create our Universe? The mind of an engineer? A chemist? A farmer? A father? The Creator of our Universe had to have an incredible mind to make it as He did. In…

A Quick Observation of God's Creation

When we look at all the variety in God's Creation, we should see that there is duality between the physical and spiritual in all He has made. During this Sabbath-in-the-Park, we shall explore how light and shape have comparable values…

The Quantum Leap

Dr. Steve Holladay discusses what the scriptures tell us about the limitless power that God has, and how we can see his greatness in the creation. He also demonstrates this using what scientists and mathematicians have been able to discover…

Greater Than Man

Is man the ultimate being? God is far greater than man and is in control of the entire universe.

The Health of Your Faith

Faith in God must be an important part of our character. We need to increase our faith in God by testing what He says in His Word. It is not always easy but the more we step out in faith…

The Heavens Declare

God has created this universe unimaginably's impossible to grasp just how big it is. But why did he do this and what do we learn from the bible about the universe, stars and planet Earth? This scientific and graphical…

The Reward

As future members of God's family, what is the reward that awaits us? In this sermon, Steve Holladay, a deacon serving in the Atlanta and Buford GA congregations, discusses some aspects of what our future might be like.

FORWARD Fun With Numbers

Here's something to boggle your mind! The Associated Press reported on Dec. 1 that scientists believe they have miscalculated the number of stars in the universe by a factor of three