
Lesson in Decision Making From Daniel 2

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 11/9/19 Many people are aware of the prophetic vision of the statute in Daniel 2, but behind this vision was a severe trial and a certain decision making. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth discusses five lessons from…

Good News about Labor in the Bible

On this Labor Day weekend, the pastor provides proof that the Bible and its laws respect the worker or citizen more than any man-made code of laws. He reviews scriptures regarding the Sabbath, Jubilee year, marriage and service. Mr. Seiglie…

Psalm 119 Precepts of God

The parameters of the way God wants us to follow Him are found in Psalm 119. These lead us to love God with our whole heart.

Which Laws Should We Observe

Most who call themselves Christians realize the Ten Commandments are the basis of God's Law. But there were also other laws mentioned: statutes, judgments, testimonies. Some think Old Testament law was rendered "null and void" by Jesus' sacrifice. Which laws…

Old Testament Law in New Testament Times

We're told we are to live by every word of God - all scripture is inspired by God. How should we address the old Testament laws, judgments and statutes?

Leviticus 17-20

This Bible study deals with God’s instructions to the Children of Israel concerning ceremonial defilement in the wilderness and moral purity when they entered into the promised land.

Becoming Holy

No matter what the cultural perspective is, how do we become holy in God’s eyes?

Deuteronomy 12

The next in a series of Bible Studies covering the Book of Deuteronomy.

Exodus 21-22

This Bible Study examined the application of the Ten Commandments in the from of civil statutes and judgments. These statues and judgments provided guidance to future generations with precedence to serve as guidance for their decisions.

Exodus 15-17

This bible study covers Israel’s journey from the Red Sea into the wilderness to Rephidim where they fought with the Amalekites.