
Four Personal Questions Regarding Peace

Often we feel like our life is in the middle of a raging storm. However, God offers us the opportunity to have peace. Today, let's ask four important questions that can help us to experience the kind of peace that…

Calming the Storm

The gospel accounts of Christ's calming of a sudden storm at sea are very brief. The event gains credibility by looking at the location and the characteristics of the Sea of Galilee. Earlier in that day, the deeds of Jesus…

When the Storm Hits

With so much in the news lately about devastating storms hitting our eastern coastline; I couldn’t help but think about how these physical events can cause us to think of our spiritual lives as well. So many who have experienced…
Praying for those in Hurricane Sandy

Praying for those in Hurricane Sandy

The Storm Warning

The Storm Warning

A super-cell storm

The Thunderings of God


Flooding Superstorm May Menace California

Scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey have warned about the prospects of a superstorm hitting California at some point.