Silhouette of a man praying.

Added Strength

We can rely on God to help us when our strength is not enough.

Joshua: Beginnings

Whom do we serve? God's Word has many examples of servants. Joshua is one of those servants that is recorded for us. What does it mean to be a servant? How does a servant live? Each one of us is…

His Wondrous 'Omni' Characteristics

Speaker: James J Malizia 4/11/20 Location: Orinda In this message presented by James J Malizia on April 11, 2020 it is discussed how we can find great solace and comfort in thinking on and praising our loving God in that…

Learning to Trust God

Speaker: Fred Crow 3/28/20 Through God's Word, the written examples and experiences of our forefathers, we can learn some major personal lessons. One big lesson from Exodus; God may allow us to go through difficult times so that He might…

The Value of Weakness and Its Contribution to Your Success

In the Bible, weakness is defined in three different ways, the understanding of which gives us encouragement and strength.

Reviving the Heart

Daily life with its seemingly constant upsets, adversities and frustrations leave many people feeling anxious, distraught and discouraged. Is there a permanent and fulfilling remedy for their troubled hearts and minds? The answer is absolutely yes. Through His prophet Isaiah…

A Push On the Tush

Trusting and Faith in God's Purposes is required for asking His intervention in our lives. Thus He will give us strength in His mercy.

We Are Underdogs

As underdogs, we should be unafraid of being afraid. Our strength comes from God. When we are weak, we are strong.

Strengthen Courage

God's people need to be spiritually strong and courageous.

Gideon: From Farmer to Leader and Hero

See how Gideon's life, parallels our own. What weakness he had before God began working with him and are those weaknesses still in our own lives?